martes, 8 de febrero de 2022

Answer these questions about Matter

1.- What is matter? 2.- What are the general properties of matter? 3.- Name four specific properties of matter. 4.- What is mass? 5.- What is the mass unit of measurement? 6.- What is volume? 7.- What is the volume unit of measurement? 8.- What is density? 9.- What is the mathematical formula to calculate the density of an object? 10.- Describe the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. 11.- What is the difference between pure substances and mixtures? 12.- What is the difference between a homogenous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture? 13.- How would you separate a mixture of water and pasta? Name the method and explain the process. 14.- How would you separate a mixture of rice and pickpeas? Name the method and explain the process. 15.- How would you separate a mixture of alcohol and water? Name the method and explain the process. 16.- How would you separate a mixture of two liquids with different densities? Name the method and explain the process. 17.- Explain the differences between physical changes and chemical changes of matter.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Electricity and magnetism

*** Visualiza este video y copia y completa en tu cuaderno las siguientes frases:

1)      An electric current flowing through an electric circuit creates ____________________.
2)      If we turn the wire in spirals and make a coil __________________________________.
3)      If we put an iron rod inside the coil _________________________________________.
4)      When the electric current flows in the circuit we make an _______________________.
5)      When we stop the electricity the magnetism _________________________________.
6)      Electricity creates _______________________________________.
7)      The scientist ____________________________ proved that magnetism ____________.

*** Visualiza este video y explica en inglés:

1)      ¿Qué se construye?
2)      ¿Qué se necesita para construirlo?
3)      ¿Cómo funciona?

4)      La relación de este video con lo que estamos estudiando sobre el electromagnetism.