lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017


+Fichas de repaso: 1 Nombres de máquinas, 2 Simples o compuestas, 3 Tipo de energía que usan y 4 Utilidad de las máquinas

3 rd grade. Review of unit 8: Materials and Machines

1 What are machines ?

2 What are machines used for?


3 What are simple machines?
4 What are the most common types of simple machines?
5 What do we use levers for?
6 What do we use pulleys for?
7 What are the parts of a pulley?

8 What is an inclined plane?
9 What are the operating parts of a bicyle?
10 What are gears?

Imágenes para ayudar al alumnado a realizar los ejercicios 2 y 3 de la página 83 de su libro.


lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Paper is a man- made material. Learn how paper is made. Video.

Heat and light. Unit 8. 4ºgrade

1 What is heat?

2 What is temperature?

3 Why do we see an object blue?

4 Why do we see an object red?

5 Why do we see an object white?

6 Why do we see an object black?

7 What colour is an object that does not reflect any colour of light?

8 What colour is an object that does not absorb any colour of light?

9 Are these materials conductor or insulator materials?
- glass
- silver
- silk
- aluminium
- steel
- wool
- wood
- paper

10 What happens when we heat something up?

11 What happens when we heat water over 100ºC?

12 What happens when we heat up a glass of milk in the microwave?

13 What happens when we heat solid ice?

14 What happens when we cool something down?

15 What temperature does water boil at?

16 What temperature does water freeze at?

17 What are the properties of light?

18 Natural or artificial source of light?
- sun
- a light bulb
- stars
- a torch

19 What is refraction?