jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Materials´ properties

Materials´ properties: 

Hardness: An object´s resistance to being scratched.
Tenacity: An object´s resistance to breaking.
Elasticity: An object´s ability to recover its original shape.
Plasticity: An object´s ability to become a new shape.
Stiffness: The amount of force that is needed in order to change the shape of an object.
Density: The relationship between the mass of an object and the volume it occupies.
Viscosity: An object´s ability to flow.
Waterproof: An object´s ability to repel liquid.
Absorbency: An object´s ability to retain liquid.
Transparency: How well you can see through an object.
Conductivity: An object´s ability to transfer heat or electricity.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Sensitivity: Write a description

1.- Have a look to the photo in your book on page 17.

2.- Write a description of what you see. It is a description for a blind person. You should use prepositions and place adverbs (at the back, next to,...)

3.- Write a description of what you are supposed to be hearing. It is a description for a deaf person.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Nervous system

Nervous system


1 What is anosmia?

2 Can you taste if you cannot smell?

3 Why can the inability to taste be dangerous?

4 Can you find another consequence of having anosmia?

The nervous system Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question.

1. Your------------------ is the boss of your body and controls everything you do.

2. A nerve cell is also called a:
a. meuron
b. neuron
c. norway
d. heron

3. The nervous system is made up of the brain, the ----------------- , and neurons.

4. The spinal cord helps carry ------------------ back and forth between your body and your brain.

5. True or false: Your body has billions of neurons.

6. What kinds of things are your brain and nervous system in charge of?
a. walking and running
b. thinking and talking
c. feeling and sleeping
d. breathing and growing
e. all of the above

7. Name the main parts of the brain:

Sensitivity: Braille alphabet

Reading Without Seeing

Did you know that blind people can read books? Even
though the can't see, they do have a special system for
reading that allows them to feel books and papers.
Close your eyes and feel a book. You probably can't
feel the letters and words, can you? It would be impossible
to read one of your books if you couldn't see. But what if
the book has small dots that were bumps in the paper?
You would be able to feel those. Now imagine the bumps
are a code for letters.
Braille is the special alphabet that blind people use to read. Each character is made of
small dots that rise out of the paper in a special pattern. Blind people read braille by using
their fingers to feel each letter.
Here is a picture of what the patterns in the braille alphabet look like:

The braille alphabet was invented nearly 200 years ago by a blind man Louis Braille. He
wanted to be able to read and write just like everyone else. Since he couldn't see, he
invented an alphabet made of dots.
Today, braille letters are found in books, on elevator buttons, on medicine boxes, and
there are even braille computer keyboards. There are braille Monopoly boards.
Disneyland has braille maps. Most McDonald's restaurants even have braille menus
available for blind customers.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Reading about cells

Building Blocks of Life 

All living things are made of cells. Since I am alive, I am made of 
cells. Cells are the building blocks of all living things. They are the start of 
all life and continue growing and dividing all through life. My body makes 
over a billion new cells every minute. Some of these new cells replace others 
that have died, like my skin cells that are always dying and being replaced as 
I wash my hands. Some of the new cells replace injured cells when we are 
ill or hurt. Some new cells are needed as we grow. 
Human cells are too small to be seen with our eyes. Microscopes 
must be used to see our cells. Scientists and doctors study our cells using a 
Cells are different shapes and sizes. Human cells grow into the 
shapes and sizes needed for the different parts of my body. Some cells are 
needed for my blood. Other types of cells are needed for my bones, 
muscles, and skin. Every part of my body is made of the special type cell 
needed for that part of my body. 
Not all of our cells are still alive. Our hair, fingernails, and skin all 
have cells that were once alive but as they divided and grew, they no longer 
could get the nutrition needed to stay alive. That is why it doesn’t hurt to get 
I began as one single cell, which has grown and divided until they 
have made me what I am today. No wonder cells are called the building 
blocks of life.

1. How many cells does my body make every minute?
2 Who studies our cells?
3 Why does my body need to make new cells?
4 The sentence " That is why it doesn´t hurt to get haircuts" is a detail supporting what fact?
5 What are my bones made of?
6 What shape are blood cells?
7 What shape are muscle cells?

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Reading about First Aid

Name ____________________________ Date _________________

Terry and First Aid
Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Terry was going outside to play with
her best friend. On her way out the
door she tripped and scraped her
knee. There was blood all over. Terry
panicked she hated the sight of
blood. Luckily Terry's mom heard her
wails and came running. Terry's mom
knew exactly what to do to fix the
situation. She got a wet wash cloth, a Band-Aid and two ice cream
sandwiches. Soon Terry was on her way with a smile on her face.

Answer the question using the information from the paragraph. Give evidence if needed.

1. Where was Terry going? What stopped her from getting there?
2. Was the cut on Terry's knee serious? Find proof in the paragraph to
support your answer.